Our Church Centre is a much loved, and well used community space; from Karate classes, to Slimming World, Art and craft groups, Polling Stations, Warm Space initiatives, birthday parties and the church office…to name just a few!

We are very blessed to have such an amazing space, with 3 kitchen areas, 2 large halls, a dedicated youth space, and various rooms for community and church use.

The halls are grade II listed, and were built in 1865. They still have the original roofing – which unfortunately causes major damp problems in the buildings.

We are planning to give our hall complex a complete refurbishment and make it Net Zero carbon emissions by replacing the original roof and adding solar panels. We also hope to insulate the walls internally and switch to a renewable heating system.

We would love for you to help us reach our fundraising targets and we have an amazing match funding offer from Aviva, who will match any individual donations up to £250!

So, you can turn:

  • a £250 donation into £500 towards the refurbishment, or £562.50 if you are a taxpayer and gift aid your donation.
  • a £100 donation into £200 towards the refurbishment, or £250 if you are a taxpayer and gift aid your donation.
  • A £20 donation into £40 towards the refurbishment, or £45 if you are a taxpayer and gift aid your donation.

We plan to launch our Crowdfunding campaign on Monday 16th October.


For more information, please see https://smartchurchliskeard.co.uk/churchhallproject/

Thank you for supporting our project!